Monday, April 12, 2010

Haylee's First Birthday

The Cupcake Cake I made! It had its challenges, but it turned out perfect!
I made about 4 dozen cupcakes for all of our guests. I did not think they would want any of Haylee's cake after she had her way with it! We rented Casey and Ashlee's clubhouse and it was perfect! We held the party the day before her actual birthday on March 28th.

Ashlee helped me make a "Birthday Girl" banner. Cupcakes of course!
Haylee loved opening her presents! She got spoiled! It was a little difficult with all of the other kiddos, but that is to be expected!
One of my favorite pics! It shows off her cute outfit. I made a cupcake skirt and a cupcake shirt to match!
Opening the Elmo phone from Grandma Tami. She got to pick it out herself at the toy store.
This was the winner! Nicole gave Haylee a princess bike. We had to put it up on the table so Haylee could sit on it. All of the other kids wanted it so bad! It actually required tools to assemble it and that was a good thing because I don't think Haylee would have gotten much use out of it anyway!
Haylee was a little scared and really confused when we lit the candle and everyone sang to her. She wanted to touch the flame so bad so I had to hold her hands down.
She was a little unsure about what to do with this cake in front of her. Rich had to take her hand and shove it into the cake and show her how it is done.
I think she ate more frosting than actual cake. I was afraid she was going to throw up!
At one point she bent down and just used her mouth on the cake! She decided it was easier that way! Smart girl!
Her actual Birthday, March 29th. Haylee and I spent the day with Grandma and Grandpa before they had to head back to Bear Lake. We hit up a few quilt stores (probably not the stores of choice for Haylee) and had lunch. Once Daddy got home from work we went to dinner at Morelia then headed to the mall and got Haylee's ears pierced. She sure did not like that at all! It was way worse than getting shots. It was so hard for her to calm herself down. She was so upset! Then, I felt like a bad mommy for making her baby cry on her birthday. Oh! But she looks so adorable! When we got home from the mall, we let her open her presents from Mommy and Daddy. She was able to open them at her own pace and all by herself! She got some stacking cups, some books and movies, and a mini kitchen! Oh! And don't forget all of the clothes I got her. I did not bother wrapping them because I did not think she would be too excited for clothes.
Checking out her new stacking cups with Dad! She loves stacking them and fitting them inside each other.
Opening up a new book! She sure loves books! She likes to be read to and loves to just look through them all by herself.
"Oh my! Is this for me?"
Her mini kitchen. She absolutely loves it!
The balloons from her party lasted for days! She was completely obsessed with them! She would just sit and point at them until we would bring them down to her level to hit them. Rich finally just tied them to the back of her princess bike.

I really can not believe my baby girl is one! This year has flown by! It has been the best year ever! I fall in love with this little girl more and more everyday! She is such a blessing and wonderful addition to my life. I could not imagine life without her. Happy First Birthday Princess!


Michelle said...

awww, so sweet. Looks like she had a wonderful Birthday!

schaars said...

She is too CUTE! The party was a success, you did such a good job. Love that little stink bug. Sienna is screaming it's haylee while I am looking at your post. We need to get the girls together soon we miss you guys.

Anonymous said...

Yay!! Im so proud of you I had to comment:) Happy Birthday Haylee:)

Angela Wellman said...

Oh my heck Katie!!! She is so stinking cute!!!!